The Libra Affair

Chronicles of My Affair With a Married Man

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Magic Paging System & Music To My Ears

Crappy things sometimes happen on days that really aren't so bad. I had an unwanted conversation today with my estranged husband, and I told him that it would be our last. I told him never to contact me again, and that our only communication would from my lawyer. Sadly, the short conversation hit me sideways, woke me out of a great sound sleep, and left me crying. I hated that it made me cry. I don't want to ever waste another tear on that man.

Here's the cool magic paging part. Just as I'm trying to pull myself together, wishing that I could just talk to Libra for a minute (on Sundays, I normally don't call him), just to hear his voice, my phone rang. It was Libra. Just to hear his voice was so comforting to me at that moment. He didn't ask me if anything was wrong, and I really didn't want to let on that anything was wrong. He asked me to do something with his family, but I declined. I really wanted to see him, but I didn't think I'd be great company. I was tired, and honestly not in the mood to see him with his wife. Most times, it doesn't bother me at all. Then there are times when it feels like a knife, and today would most definitely have been one of those days.

It's not unusual for him to call me at those "strange" moments. I can't tell you now many times I've awakened from a sound sleep, picked up my cell phone to see if he has called, and have the phone ring in my hand.... Libra calling me. I've never had that kind of connection with anyone else. Some people might say that it's simply a coincidence. Just for the record, I don't really like those people.

Now, on to that which is the music to my ears. For the last week or so, I've been feeling so insecure where it comes to Libra. Wondering if he's tiring of me, bored, uninterested. I've felt like I was right on the verge of getting more emotional than I really wanted to. I'm not sure why this is....could be for a lot of different reasons ranging from going off meds that I probably should have been taking, chronic lack of sleep over the last month catching up with me, or just basic baggage-induced, garden-variety insecurity.

Libra came over to my apartment the other day and I asked for a kiss to which he replied "No." I ended up getting some fabulous sex (which is worth writing about, and I will), but I was still pissed off about not getting what I asked for. A kiss. In my mind, a kiss is incredibly more intimate than any kind of fuck, bar none. So refusing to kiss me was at that moment, for me, a loss of intimacy. All in my mind, people...all in my twisted little mind.

At any rate, I've been struggling with this all week. Tonight, I'm at work late and we chat on the net. We had a discussion that wasnt' all sunshine, which I'm getting so much better with. The more we have non-sunshine discussions the easier and more comfortable they get for me. Here's a little transcript of us wrapping things up.

LIBRA: you are a pleaser i know that. you are a fixer i know that but you don't have to please me to have me. you've already got not going anywhere. do you realize just how lucky i am to have you in my life. even if only as a friend but then there is the sex and love that we share and what else could I ask for?
LIBRA: I love you so much
me: I love it when you say that
LIBRA: thank you for being mine......
me: and i love you too! I am yours!!!
LIBRA: good night......
me: nite baby

Music to my ears.

Libra's Mistress

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Control, Information, Torture....Why Not Me?

I haven't yet written much about the time that I spend with the Libra family. I spend a fair amount of time with them...dinners, watching tv shows, just hanging out. I know that some of you will see this as completely distasteful, at the least; but since you're not living my life or walking in my shoes, your distaste is not much of a concern to me. No apology for my actions or choices is forthcoming.

Before I get into the actual subject matter for this post, I'm going to fully digress into my past. I'm going to talk about the things I do in an attempt to control the completely uncontrollable, and the strange ways that I try to justify and reconcile the choices that I make.

About a million years ago, actually a little more than a decade ago, my first husband and I separated for a short period of time. A man who wished to remain nameless called me to report that my husband was fucking a girl at work. This wouldn't be the first time I received a call like this. It wouldn't be the first time either that my first husband had cheated on me, but it would be the second to the last. I don't remember even confronting him about it. I just gathered some of my belongings and the kids and rented a place a few miles away.

Within days, he had moved his tramp into OUR house, and tried to hide it from me. He wasn't very good at lying or deceiving me, and I sometimes wished that he had been. After about a month he wanted me back even though she was still living in our house. I told him to get rid of her, and he faltered. I said "What did you do this time...get her pregnant?" His response....eyes to the floor and silence.

Of all the times that he had cheated on me, I hung on to the fact that I was the one that bore his children. Just me. Only me. over. It was quite a crushing blow for me. He didn't know what to do, didn't know how to handle it. He didn't want to continue his relationship with her, but was upset at the thought of his child growing up and not knowing him.

This is where the control fanatic in me kicked in. "We can handle this. If you want to be a part of this child's life, then we'll make it happen." He promised like so many other times that he would be faithful. He said that he loved me. He said that he wanted to be with me. He said that he missed the kids. Any sense of self-preservation or anger that I felt...wait....I had no sense of self-preservation or anger. I just took him back. He kicked her out, and the kids and I went home.

I don't remember much about the rest of that year, except the depression that slowly crept in. Any sense of happiness, security, peace or confidence that I was cherished just eroded away until I was barely functional. My husband changed his mind about being involved in his child's life and stopped speaking to Ms. Tramp. It was a very confusing time. What an understatement!

When Fall came, my husband's best friend who was also friends with Ms. Tramp called to let my husband know that his son had been born. My husband didn't go to the hospital, but I, determined to torture and punish myself, did go to the hospital. I even took gifts!! I knew that she had nothing, and why should a baby go without because his mother is fucking whore. (Oops, did I type that?) Now, I know that some will say that all babies look the same, but that baby boy looked like a combination of my two youngest children. I remember staring at him as if his very existence was some message that I had done something wrong, not done something right, and deserved to be punished.

After she took the baby home to her mother's, I would go there on my lunch hour and take diapers and formula and clothes. I took her on errands. I took her shopping. It became obvious to me FINALLY that she was just letting me come around because she wanted money. Imagine that!! When the baby was about three months old, I gracefully made my exit.

When my family and friends heard what I had been doing, oh how they praised me. Praised me for being so selfless, so gracious, so kind. They didn't know that it was none of the above. It was all about control, information, and torture. It was about me trying to exert control over something that was completely and totally out of my hands. It was about me trying to stay informed. It was about me trying to find answers to questions, answers that I really didn't want to know. What did this girl have that I didn't have? How was this girl going to continue disrupting my life? How would I ever tell my children about this? When would I tell my children about this? What was wrong with me? Why couldn't he just love me? I didn't want to be left in the dark, and I didn't trust anyone to tell me the truth. It wasn't a good thing, not even for a moment. It took me a very long time to fully realize what I had done, and what I had done to myself.

I realized at some point that it's okay to have limitations, and to admit that you have them. It would have been completely acceptable for me to have told my husband, "I can't help you with this. You're on your own." It would have been perfectly acceptable for me to never have spoken to Ms. Tramp, to never have layed eyes on her child. A therapist that I went to some time later gave me a very simple thing to practice: Take the pointer fingers of both your hands and draw a little box in the air. Then with a smile, say "that's not my problem". I love that!!

Fast forward to now and me spending time with the Libra family. The situation is very, very different as are my motivations. But, in the end it seems to again be about the same things: control, information, and to some level - torturing myself.

First, the control factor. Basically, I have none. Well, even that's not totally true. I have control over my choices, and actions. I do have the ability to choose not to spend time with their family, but I don't exercise that choice. I think there are several reasons for not exercising that choice. I miss my own family. I miss the days when my children were young. I mourn the fact that my first husband was not present physically and emotionally for my children. I love watching the Libra's with their children. I mourn the fact that I will not ever in my lifetime have the family life that they have. I'm beginning to feel like a parasite soaking up the beauty that I feel in their home.

Second, the information factor. The key piece of information that I get everytime that I spend time with them is this: the Libras are a family, a unit, a team, and I will never be a part of that team, or split the team (don't misunderstand...I would never, ever want to split the team). They treat me like family, which is a blessing and a curse. Spending time with them is an in-my-face, crystal clear,unavoidable reminder, a slap-in-the-face if you will, of what is real, factual and true.

Lastly, the torture factor. This is the factor that I understand the least about, and I often wonder about its meaning, what it means to me, what it says about me: That I would so long to be near Libra, that I would spend those hours in his home with him and his family. Reminding myself of what I cannot have. Not just what I cannot have with Libra, but what I will never have with anyone. And that's not just a fatalist attitude. It's steeped in many real factors: my age, infertility issues, the fact that the only man I want to be with now is with someone else and isn't having more children. So, I push down, squash, squelch, and bury inside me all of the emotions and thoughts that would keep me from Libra even if it means being so near to what will never be actual in my life.

Now to the title of this post "Why Not Me?". It's probably the most selfish question that I can ask. I've been quite selfish for awhile now, so a selfish question is not much of a surprise. Why couldn't I have been in that right place, at that right time to meet Libra? Why not me? I know why not me now. But, why not me then? You know they say there's a reason for everything. The way I'm feeling right now...FUCK whoever "they" are, and fuck the fucking reason whatever the fuck it is.

Finally, back to limitations and admitting to them. I wonder if or at what point this affair will press up to my limitations. If or when will it begin to tax my patience, my want to possess someone, to hurt beyond what I can bear. What pains me the most at this moment is knowing that if I had to press him to make a choice or walk.... I would be walking. It's like... don't ask a question that you don't really want to know the answer to. Don't ask someone to do something that you're not sure they can do for you. Sad but safe. I know that he has limitations, too. If I never ask for more, I'll never have to know whether he just can't give, or if he won't give.

Libra's Mistress

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I Think It's Time Well Spent.... He Doesn't Like It

I expend some time and effort arranging my schedule so that I'm available when I think that Libra will have time to spend with me. This is not something that he has ever asked me to do. I do it because I want to. It's never done begrudginly, and I don't feel that I give up other activities in lieu of spending time with Libra. It's simply a matter of scheduling.

Frankly, if I didn't pay attention to this, we would end up spending much less time together. It's not as if his schedule takes priority over mine, but the absolute fact is that his scheudule is packed quite a bit more tightly than mine. He works a full time job, runs several other business ventures, has a wife and kids, other family, other friends, and soon to be added to the It's amazing that we have any time together at all.

Truthfully, I do think that his schedule takes priority over mine. I'm smart enough to know that he has a plan that necessitates a schedule. In general, I know that I do not supercede the plan or the schedule. However, if I need (and I do mean specifically NEED) something, I believe that he would do his very best to be there for me.

So Libra calls this morning. Says he called me earlier but I didn't answer. My phone didn't ring. Jacked up phone, Jacked up wireless service. So he's fucking with me about not answering the phone, and I got a little attitude. Informed him that I always answer when he calls. Have a separate ring tone for him so I know it's him calling. I mention that I expend some effort to be available when he wants me. He told me he didn't like that. My question now..which of course I didn't say to him... is what is the mutha fuckin alternative??? See each other less, or see each other none, or put him in charge of coordinating our schedules.

Problem now is by the time I say something to him about this...the moment has passed. I just need to start blurting my shit out!

Libra's Mistress

Speaking My Mind

So my dear readers, if there are actually any of you out there, if you've been reading along you already know that I have communication issues that I'm working on. Namely that I don't speak my mind. If you asked most of the people around me, they would probably tell you that I do speak my mind, but most of the people around me don't really know me.

I've always been the type to keep certain things to myself (unpleasant things), or to think about something that's bothering me for an extended period of time until the point when actually saying something about it has quite lost its meaning due to the lag between offense and response. I don't really want to just blurt out whatever comes to my mind, because what if....? What if I just end up saying something angry or hurtful that I really don't mean? What if I fly off the handle without having the proper grasp of the situation at hand? What if I say something that will demolish the relationship? What if I simply say the wrong thing? On the flip, what if an immediate response to something is crucial? What if delaying to speak my mind causes more trouble than if I had just blurted out what I really wanted to? I think there must be some balance between the two. I am willing to consider, though, that speaking my mind on the spot may just plain be the best alternative. Being willing to consider that option makes me wonder how much stress I could eliminate from my life that comes with always thinking things over and over, and agonizing myself into misery.

A couple weeks ago, I noticed a couple of emails that Libra had sent out on the swingers website. The emails made it sound like he was willing to "play" without me. I don't do well with feeling authentically angry. I don't like the physical sensations that come along with anger, but I could feel it coming. My chest felt tight. My head felt hot. My heart pounded. My stomach tied itself in a double knot. Libra and I were chatting online, and he could sense something wasn't right, and asked me if anything was wrong. I said "No, it's all good." Now why would I lie? I was afraid. Afraid that speaking my truth would be misunderstood and misconstrued. I was afraid to speak my mind, to speak my own feelings. Afraid to be transparent with someone who has proved to me time and time again that he is trustworthy. Afraid to speak the truth and afraid of what his reaction would be. Afraid most of all that he really did want to "play" without me.

Before I admitted to him what was bothering me, I took a moment to rethink what he and I had discussed about swinging. Specifically, that it was a "we" thing, not a "him" or "me" thing. A "we" thing. Since I believe that he has always been honest with me, I was able to let go of the squall of emotions that had arisen. The physical symptoms, however, were another story. The physical symptoms felt like a full blown panic attack and didn't subside until well after I told him what had been bothering me.

True to his nature and his word, he reminded me of who he is and who he is not (all the jerks from my past). He brought to my attention that I said what I needed to say. He said "I'm still in love with you, and still here." I didn't die. The world didn't come to an end. He didn't punish me for what I felt, or that I lied and said nothing was wrong. When it came to a rough spot, he was exactly who he said that he is. Integrity is a beautiful thing.

Libra's Mistress

Thursday, October 12, 2006

New Acquaintences & An Old Friend

I had been talking to a woman on the internet that was interested in meeting Libra and I for some fun. She sent me to a swingers website where she said she had a profile, but I never found it. Libra and I got a subscription to the site. A beautiful woman approached us on the swingers website. Libra and I told her that we were married. She was beautiful: pale skin, light hair, pouty lips, soft round breasts with beautiful nipples, a nice round ass. She was looking for a bi female to spend time alone with her, and a couple for fun with her and her husband.

After a few times of emailing back and forth and a phone call this morning, it was decided that we would meet at a restaurant for lunch. Normally, I would have agonized over my hair, makeup and what I was going to wear, but this week has seen an especially demanding family issue. I haven't had much sleep, and was just too tired to get all worked up over this meeting.

Libra and I arrived at the restaurant first. We looked around, but didn't see anyone that looked like our online lady. Libra had already asked me if I asked what they would be wearing, and I hadn't. Not a good answer, as Libra likes things to be planned out carefully, but I didn't think we would have a hard time recognizing her from her online photos. We took a booth near the door and sat across from each other. We eagerly watched the door evaluating everyone that came in.

Finally, there she was. I recognized her immediately, but she did look different from the photos. She was far more beautiful in person. We smiled as soon as we saw each other, and I felt instantly at ease with her. She had the most, and I'm not exaggerating, unique and beautiful eye color that I've ever seen...golden honey colored eyes. She came over to the booth and sat next to me. She told us that her husband had some business to attend to and that he would be along shortly.

The conversation flowed from there with such ease. She had a great personality, completely uncontrived and down to earth. She had a wonderful sense of humor. When her husband arrived, the mood at the table didn't change at all, and he joined in the conversation without missing a beat. He was very attractive also, with gourgeous blue eyes. He had a great personality and sense of humor, as well. Attractive as he was though, I was way more interested in her than in him. I hadn't really felt that kind of ease with a dash of attraction since I moved away from home eight years ago, and away from a very good friend.

We'll call my friend from home, Hair Girl. She was first a business acquaintance of my family, then she started doing our hair, then she came to work with us, and we became the best of friends. She was funny, caring, and very nurturing. That summer, I started hanging out at her house. We'd swim naked in the pool all day on the weekends, and drink White Russians by the gallon. Eventually, we kissed which led to a little bit of groping, fingering and licking. It never lasted long, or even long enough for either of us to get off. Hair Girl commented several times that we should just be together and bring home the occasional dick when we wanted one. Looking back it probably would have worked for us, at least for a while. But I could never have explained that kind of life choice to my family. If I had made that choice and not hid it from my family, they would have completely ostracized me. That was not a choice I could make at that time. I needed my family even if it meant never taking things further with Hair Girl. As I'm writing this, I realize how long it's been since I've really thought about her, and that I miss her. We haven't spoken for years.

Back to the restaurant. We didn't really discuss anything too personal. As nervous as I was about specific questions they might ask about Libra and I, the questions never came. So, there was no explaining (or lying) about how we met, how long we'd been together or married. I didn't have to worry about accidentally saying something about my children. It really would be so much easier just to be honest about our relationship, or at least it would be for me. I would assume, and I think most people would, that couples that swing are very open minded, but really they have their hang ups just like everyone else. I don't know many people, especially married people, that could accept the relationship that Libra and I have. They wouldn't understand it. I think it might make people feel threatened. I certainly would have felt threatened at one time.

In this country, in our culture, little girls are steeped in the notion that when they grow up the perfect man for them will love only them and no one else. If I hadn't been able to put this notion at least on hold, I would have missed all that Libra and I have been to each other and hopefully what we will be in the future. Dont' get me wrong, I still believe in the possibility of the one woman and one man thing. I'm sure that all of us know at least one traditional couple that's happily monogamous and commited. However, I also firmly believe in what I'm experiencing right now. That being, that Libra can love his wife and family and being 100% committed to them, and love me too. The level and nature of commitment that he dedicates to me is vastly different than that dedicated to his wife and family. However, I don't perceive what he gives me to be second rate, or crumbs as a friend puts it. I do perceive it as dynamic. The relationship seems to have taken on a life of its own. Since perception is reality, this is my reality. And it's one that I am happy with today.

So after saying all that, I will admit that I enjoyed pretending for an hour today that Libra and I were the ones sharing a life, a home, a family. That's the complex, complicated psyche of a woman for you. Don't try to figure it out. You'll get a headache.

Libra's Mistress

Five Minutes of Making Out.... Well, Really It Was Eight

Recently, I received a text message from Libra:
I want 5 straight minutes of making out. No sex. Hit me back if you agree.

I texted back: When? Do I get to grab your dick?

He texted back: After the first 5 minutes, anything goes

I asked Libra if he would be coming to my apartment after he got off work. I can't remember exactly what his response was, but I didn't think that he would be coming. This was and is often the case. Very seldom am I sure of when we will be spending time together, and even then it sometimes falls through. So, this occasion wasn't very different from any other. Even so, it still remains the hardest thing for me to come to terms with in our relationship. I know that he gives me every minute that he can. I have no doubt about that. But, sometimes...well, a lot of times, I really long for more, and I don't always get it. He did remind me once, only once was needed, that when we are together, he gives me quality time. That's truth.

The issue still causes me to revisit the same questions over and over: What do I want? How can I raise the bar? What will I settle for? Am I settling at all? What am I willing to pay, sacrifice, give up or rearrange for this relationship? Revisiting these questions helps me stay grounded, realistic and reminds me of the boundaries. (The single subject of boundaries will be a totally separate post, because it deserves a fair discussion.) Some days, it's not easy to answer these questions, especially if I'm feeling emotional or disappointed, but I visit them anyway. Other days, the answers to the questions flow freely, and I feel at ease. As the relationship has evolved, the boundaries and the answers to the questions have changed. My guess is that as long as the relationship continues, the changes will continue. Both Libra and I have made adjustments along the way. For instance, I'm pretty sure that we weren't planning on falling in love. If fact, I believe we were planning not to fall in love. We must not have planned very well though, because we did fall in love.

I told Libra that I had started writing this blog. I was really unsure of what he would think of me writing about us, and more unsure of what his actual reaction to the writing would be.

This past Monday, he started reading it while he was at work. We were on the phone for a couple of hours that evening, so I got to hear his reaction while he was reading it. It wasn't bad at all. He actually liked it. He said it's going to end up on Oprah, and Oprah's going to be looking for her own Libra. He made some suggestions regarding small changes to maintain our anonymity. I told him about a couple things that I had already removed. Even though they were small details, a reader that knows Libra would have recognized that the blog was about him.

About half way through his reading what I had posted, he said "I want to tell you something while X (co-worker) isn't right next to me.... I love you." It certainly was not the first time he told me that, and I certainly hope not the last, but it was just a little bit different. In the midst of reading my thoughts and recollections of us, when I was concerned that he wouldn't like what I had to say, or analyze it, or over-analyze it.... he just told me that he loved me. That felt good. For so long, I kept my own thoughts and true feelings to myself. I made sure that I didn't reveal myself, because I was afraid of rejection. On this day, Libra was reading my effort to be honest and transparent, and there was no rejection. That was really cool for me to get that positive reinforcement from Libra. It encouraged me to continue writing.

Lucky me, Libra then told me that he would be coming over. He wanted me in black, the thigh highs, the come fuck me heels, no panties. He also had changed his mind about not having sex. Go figure. I spent the rest of the evening drinking (great vanilla rum), taking a bath, rolling my hair, and getting dressed. I put on the stockings, the shoes, and a black button down shirt. I lit some candles, and straightened the bed.

I could hardly wait for him to get to my apartment. I waited a half hour after he got off work, and when he wasn't there yet, I called his cell. He was at my door, and I wasted no time letting him in. While he put down his phone and keys, I rubbed his shoulders. Not for very long though. I had been waiting all day and all evening to be with him. I walked around in front of him, and the making out began. I absolutely love kissing Libra. I don't know if I've yet mentioned it, but he's a great kisser.

It seemed like we stood there forever kissing and groping. I told him to take off his pants, and he said, "No, that might lead to sex". The nerve. I started unbuckling his belt, and it felt like he grabbed my hand to stop me for about half a second. The pants came off, and I grabbed that dick. For all the women that complain about men objectifying women, I think women are just as bad. We might not speak about it as openly, but we do it. Sometimes, I don't want to talk. I don't want to make out or make love. I just want to fuck. I just want that dick. Period.

We finally did make it to the bedroom, and the sex was good like it always is. I came. He came. You won't believe what he said to me then. "You have no self-restraint." I countered with, "We made out for at least 5 minutes, and you said that you changed your mind about no sex." He told me that it was 8 minutes, and he was actually watching the time. Then he reinformed me that I have no self-restraint.

Well, I've heard that self-restraint is highly over-rated. So, fuck it.

Libra's Mistress

Saturday, October 07, 2006


All in all, this summer was a good summer. Changes. Improvements. Challenges. Growth.

Looking back over the last few months, I can see now that things with Libra and I changed pretty dramatically. If you had asked me at the beginning of the summer were Libra and I close, I would have said yes. If you ask me now if Libra and I were close at the beginning of the Summer, I would say not nearly as close as we are now.

I poured over this summer in my mind trying to pinpoint that moment when things changed, but I just can't say when it happened. It must have been a hundred minute changes. When summer started, we didn't see each other every day. We didn't talk every day. By the end of summer, we did talk everyday, and I wasn't initiating the call every time. It was nice to have him calling me. At least I didn't feel like a stalker.

Libra started introducing me to his friends and business acquaintences. That was really enjoyable meeting people that I had already heard so much about. Of course he never introduced me as his mistress, but as a coworker or manager of one of his business ventures.

That brings up a point that I haven't touched on yet. Several months ago, I spent a good deal of time complaining to Libra about my current job. The nature of the work is limiting. There is no room for creativity. No open forum for input. No opportunity to make something spectacular from virtually nothing. Shortly after that, Libra invites me to get involved in one of his business ventures. It's exactly what I'm looking for... a creative outlet, a chance to exercise my brain, and stretch. Autonomy.

One of the best things that happened this summer was that I got to spend the night, an entire night, with Libra. Mrs. Libra was going to be out of town. Libra and I spent most of the day fucking. He cooked us lunch. He did some work. We fucked some more. We ate dinner. We fucked again. Then, I actually got to fall asleep beside him. I tossed and turned most of the night, but still it was a night I got to spend with him. It was more than I thought I would ever get.

Sometime after that weekend, Libra came to my apartment. He crawled into bed with me, and told me that he had missed me and we should make plans to spend the night together again. He asked me if I thought about getting married. It was one of those moments for me when a thousand thoughts run through my head, and I can't even speak even one. I had wondered many times what it would be like to be married to Libra, or even just to be with him. What would it be like to share a life, a home, a future with Libra? I had to blow the question off and move away from that subject. I wasn't even sure why he said it, and I'm still not sure why he said it. Then while we were fucking, he told me he loved me so much. Okay, so maybe it was just fuck talk. Only a little bend in the path, but I felt like we were going in a new direction. The vibe of the relationship was definitely different by summer's end.

Before we leave the summer behind, there's one summer fuck worth mentioning. We had plans to go to a function. Libra told me the day before that we could have sex when he picked me up, but you'll never guess.... we didn't have time. Go figure. So, we're in the truck on our way and I mention to him that it feels like we going in the wrong direction. Libra turns and goes down a nearly abandoned street, or at least it was on the weekend. He asks me if I want some sex. Hmmm..yeah, I didn't really have to think about it. He parked the truck at the end of this street which is incidentally next to some highway off ramp where the cars going by can definitely see us. We got out of the truck, went around back. He opened the back door, bent me over right there and fucked me. Just about the time he tells me he's going to cum, a car comes!!!! Who knows what this car was coming to the end of this street for. Maybe they were one of the cars passing by on the highway off ramp. By the time the car reached us, we were finished. We got back in the truck, and Libra drove in the correct direction this time. Like I said, it was a summer fuck worth mentioning.

Libra's Mistress